Clothing Sensors That Correct Your Posture
Are you looking for clever ways to make staying healthy a little easier? When it comes to your posture, the clothing you wear could help you all on its own – but it takes a certain type of clothing to do the job… Remembering to Stick to Better Habits Setting...
What is a Posture Coach?
Are you someone who responds well to external motivation when trying to achieve a goal? If you are and you’re trying to achieve a healthier posture, a posture coach could be just the thing you need. The Problem With Motivation Motivation is a pretty incredible thing. Sustained motivation channelled into...
Can Clothing Fix Your Workout Posture?
Are you someone that likes to keep active? If you are, you’ll likely already be conscious of a lot of different aspects of your health, but many people, no matter how experienced they are, forget about their workout posture. How Important is Your Workout Posture? As anyone who has done...
Can Sensors Help Your Posture At Work?
Do you ever notice you’ve got back pain and posture problems after a long day at work? It might not be just fatigue – it could be an indication of a posture problem. Sensors might be just the thing you need to help. How Work Affects Your Posture We do...
Can Posture Correction Save You Money On Healthcare?
Are you looking to do some posture correction, but worried it’ll cost you money? The health and fitness sectors are among the most profitable in the world, and continue to grow rapidly. We spend a lot of money on gym memberships and exercise equipment every year, to the point that...
Can Posture Technology Help You Improve Your Health?
Are you the type of person who is always on the lookout for innovative ways to improve your health? Posture technology could be the next big thing you need to know about. Technology can do truly incredible things in this day and age, and the positive effects it can have...
How Can Posture Tracking Help Your Long-Term Health?
Do you struggle to remember your posture, regardless of how good your intentions are? Or maybe you’ve started your journey to a healthier posture, but are finding it difficult to monitor how you’re going? If you answered “yes” to either of these, posture tracking may be just the thing to...
How To Improve Working From Home With A Posture Sensor
Have you taken to working from home the past few months? If you have, and you’ve noticed your posture taking a hit as a result, you’re not alone. Here’s how a posture sensor may be able to help you get back to a healthy position, all from the comfort of...
Can Posture Sensors Correct Your Posture and Help Ease Back Pain?
Trying to find a smarter way to correct your posture and ease back pain? Posture sensors may be what you’re looking for. Posture problems are one of the most wide-spread health problems facing humankind – poor posture often leads to back, neck and shoulder problems, conditions which can dramatically reduce...
Do Posture Sensors Work, And Can They Help You With Back Pain?
Are you looking for a way to improve your back & spine health? Posture sensors can help. After what feels like a lifetime of working from home, a lot of people are feeling that their posture isn’t all it could be. There’s a lot of options out there, but not...
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